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Video Marketing 101: Storyboard Creation For Beginners
April 24, 2023

Industries in Need of Better IT Solutions

As technology improves, so should businesses. Some industries, however, simply haven’t benefited from the same technological advancements that others have. As people consider information technology and what to apply it to, the following industries could definitely use IT solutions!

Financial Advisors

The finance industry is in severe need of better IT solutions. For one, financial advisors juggle multiple clients’ investments and their resulting data, which can be hard to manage without help. It can also be hard to provide helpful insights and catch every trend without digital tracking that is specific to finances and investments. The top financial software programs that financial advisors currently use often don’t rely on cash flow analysis or don’t allow you to change input variables for “what if” scenarios. Plus, finding one that can handle multiple accounts? Good luck!

E-Commerce Sites

E-commerce is constantly on the rise as the world grows more digital, but that doesn’t mean its pain points have been thoroughly solved. The ever-constant need for new content, for instance, is a problem that only intensifies when businesses can’t properly track what increases conversion rates and what doesn’t. Developing better systems to identify these things will make a big difference. Customer loyalty is another problem in ecommerce that needs a better IT solution. POS software can keep track of loyalty points so customers can develop stronger loyalty. But developing information technology that also can foster automatic customer service equal to the in-person experience would definitely help stop so many carts from being abandoned.


Though this one is a bit broad of an industry, the fact that there are so many subparts of it is actually what is in need of an IT solution. If a person requires multiple healthcare services from multiple different providers, for instance, getting information from provider to provider is a hassle that anyone with health problems knows well. Developing a system that allows a patient to create a cloud of medical documentation, and then to grant access to the multiple professionals involved in the health concern, could greatly streamline information. Currently, cloud-based e-health records are in their beginning stages, and often don’t branch out past department-to-department data collection in one hospital.

Data collection and management is a huge advantage for businesses, if only they’re applied to each industry’s specific needs. Whether you’re an inquiring mind or an IT professional yourself, look into the pain points of different industries. The business and health world needs your help!

Read this next: 3 Biggest IT Concerns Businesses Are Facing Today